Company Profile


The main activity of Enterprise is Ge production and its components. Production chain consists of 6 technologica stages. On five of which is possible to receive finished production:

  • Decomposition: Germanium tetrachloride making from source raws and reverts;

  • Hydrolysis: it is the process of germanium dioxide receiving in coordination with Germanium tetrachloride with water;

  • Reducing: polycrystalline metallic germanium making;

  • Zone refining: metallurgical refining by multiple recrystallization, zone refined polycrystalline germanium making;

  • Pulling: making of monocrystalline germanium with defined electrophysical and optical specification;

  • Machining: making of different shapes germanium blanks. Machining is made by using of different types of equipment: calibration, shearing, grinding equipment for flat and spherical surfaces, chamfering and irregular shapes machining equipment.


Our enterprise provides services in recycling of customer-owned raw material with the goods production according to all nomenclature. Our company recycle Ge content raw material, which are formed as a result of a production activity of the enterprises of various industries, such as production of optical fiber, solar batteries, light-emitting diodes, infrared optics and others, with the Ge contents from 2%.

We developed the additional processes allowing to carry out Ge recovering from a wide range of co-products of the industry, production waste and products which served the term.

The enterprise makes not only buying of Ge content materials, but also recycдe them into finished production.